1 - 3 Digraph Posters Ocean Wonderland 1 - 3 Digraph Posters Rainbow 1 - 3 Digraph Posters STATE FONTS 3 - 6 Editing Extraordinaire Poster 5 - 6 Embedded Clauses Poster EY - 2 Fairy Tale Banner EY - 2 Fairy Tale Elements Display Castle EY - 3 Fairy Tale Word Cards EY - 3 Fairy Tale Word Cards STATE FONTS F - 3 Find Your Just Right Book F Foundation Show & Tell PACKAGE 3 - 4 Gangsta Granny Display PACKAGE 3 - 4 Gangsta Granny Posters F - 3 Genre Posters EY - 2 Giraffes Can’t Dance Banner STATE FONTS EY - 1 Glitter Alphabet Posters 1 - 3 Grammar Posters 3 - 5 Greek & Latin Roots Posters 6 Growing Words From Their Roots Display F - 2 Ice Cream Sundae Procedure Craft 5 Irregular Plurals Posters EY - 2 Koala Lou Banner EY - 2 Koala Lou Posters EY - 2 Koala Lou Word Wall Cards 3 - 5 Language Features of Texts Posters 4 - 6 Levels of Language Posters 5 - 6 Literary Device Posters F - 2 Long Vowel Posters F - 2 Long Vowel Posters Animalia F - 2 Long Vowel Posters B&W F - 2 Long Vowel Posters Burn Off F - 2 Long Vowel Posters Eucalyptus 1 … 3 4 5 6 7 … 12