We all know how much our members love our Report Card Comment Banks for Grades F-3 and our Early Years teachers have been patiently waiting for a version specifically designed for them. We are so excited to share that this has been made, and our collection is now complete!
With the help of some incredible TT members and using the Early Years Learning Framework as the guiding document, our newest Report Comment Resource is bursting with cut-and-paste goodness!
The Early Years Learning Framework was created as a national document to guide Early Childhood educators in delivering best practice education and care for our youngest learners. The EYLF consists of the following outcomes:
Whilst creating this time-saving doc we learnt that almost each and every state has put their own spin on this framework. It was comforting to see though that at the heart of each state’s version, these 5 outcomes still shone through.
We wanted this document to be as user friendly as possible, so it has been made as a spreadsheet doc so you can cut and paste to your heart’s content! When you open the resource you will see an introduction page like this:
Simply click on the outcome you are writing a comment for, or choose the tab along the bottom. Each outcome has been separated into the Key Components as outlined by the EYLF, and then additionally broken down into Working Towards, Satisfactory and Working Beyond. Just mix and match the statements to suit the student you are writing about.
In addition to comments for each outcome, we have also provided a huge range of positive and future-focused general statements. These are fantastic to use for the more general parts of the report card.
We hope this resource saves you loads of time this reporting season!
P.S. You may also be interested in our other Report Card Comment Resources!