Character Study Script & Worksheet







This script and accompanying worksheet provide an engaging opportunity for your students to study how a writer develops characters.

The script tells the story of ‘A Picnic in the Park’. It includes two main characters, stage directions and information about extra background characters. The script is split into seven parts. It has been designed so that your class can be split into seven small groups with each group being assigned a different part of the script. Two of the students from each group will act as the main characters and the other students will be the extras in the background.

After your students have practised their parts in their small groups, the play can be performed. While acting in the play and watching the other scenes, your students will start to see how the two main characters are being portrayed by the writer. Their characters are quite different.

Your students can complete the worksheet after performing the play. It requires them to consider the main characters’ likes, dislikes, behaviour, personal qualities and how the writer makes you care about them. There is also a space for your students to draw a picture of each character.

To start this activity, print out the script. Depending on how many students are in each of your groups, you may want to print a few copies. You will then need to cut the seven parts of the script out and distribute the relevant one to each group. To complete the worksheet, print as many copies as you need for your class. A handy answer sheet is also included in the resource.

Additional information

Number of Pages


File Format


Australian Curriculum Code

AC9ADR4P01, AC9E4LA01, AC9E4LA03, AC9E4LA07, AC9E4LE03, AC9E4LY02, AC9E4LY05

Australian Curriculum V9

F - 6

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