Complementary Percentages Card Game


4 - 6





This versatile card game has students matching complementary percentages in multiple ways. In doing so it helps reinforce that 100% equals one whole allowing students to make connections between percentages and fractions.

Games you can play include:

  • Memory – Shuffle and flip all cards face down, find matching complementary percentages.
  • Go Fish – Deal five cards to each player, create complementary pairs by asking other players for cards that match those in your hand.
  • Snap – divide the deck between all players, players snap when they see a complementary pair or percentages one after the other.

Each card includes a written percentage as well as a visual that has a partially filled 10 × 10 grid. The percentages used in the game are increments of five.

Set this game as a maths rotation or small group activity. Why not use the cards to pair students together? Distribute complementary pairs to your students (one card each) and have them find their match amongst the other students in the class.

Print the game cards on thick card for durability. Cut card pages and place the cover page in a folder with the cards. If you have larger groups of students, print two copies each card page to increase the deck. Choose between the Full Colour, Low Colour or Black and White versions. If using the Black and White version, print two copies of each page to create one deck.

Additional information

Number of Pages


File Format


Australian Curriculum Code

AC9M4N04, AC9M5N04, AC9M6N07

Australian Curriculum V9

F - 6

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