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CVC Pictionary is a fun and interactive game, great for sounding out and spelling CVC words. The game will give your students the option to work with over 100 CVC words displayed in a fun and engaging way. Choose to focus on one middle vowel sound, or mix and match. To play, choose a short vowel sound to focus on, and then select a CVC picture. The picture will then enlarge ready for students to orally spell the word, or write the word. Click on the image again and the correct spelling for the CVC word shows up. You might like to have students orally spell the word, or you could use individual whiteboards to record answers as you go. A recording sheet with an option for 20 or 10 words has also been included in the download. This resource is great for literacy warm-ups on your interactive board. Why not display it on an iPad and use it during small group work to really target the spelling of CVC words. To see how this resource works, watch the video here. You might also be interested in our other CVC Digital Games: Or our MASSIVE CVC task card package with over 300 pages of CVC Goodness! We also have a range of CVC Worksheets that you might also like to download.  

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Australian Curriculum Code


File Format

pdf, zip

Australian Curriculum V9

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