Narrative Writing Feedback Template: Year 4








These feedback templates are helpful prompts to use when your students are writing narratives.

There are two differentiated pages of templates. The first page has been designed for Year 4 students who might require some support with writing. The second page has criteria that are directly aligned with the Year 4 Australian Curriculum content descriptors listed. These content descriptors are relevant to narrative writing.

There are three feedback templates on the first page and two on the second. You can print as many as you need for your students and then cut them to size. The templates are also available as editable versions so that you can change the criteria if needed.

The feedback templates are designed to be easily glued into workbooks by students after they have completed the draft of a narrative. Students can then use the template to look through and edit their own work. They can simply put a symbol, such as a tick, for the criteria that they feel their writing has met. When they are happy with their own assessment, they can ask a classmate to read their work and complete the feedback on the second row. After this, the student can edit their work further if needed and then give their writing to the teacher who can complete the same process in the third row.

This procedure of editing is logical and systematic. It encourages the students to take ownership of editing their work, as well as editing and providing feedback to their peers. The opportunity to read each other’s work is also an invaluable part of the learning process.

This feedback template will help save you time. It provides a clear outline of the areas of the curriculum that relate to narrative writing and need to be taught so you could use it during your planning. It should make marking more efficient because the work has been edited by the student and a classmate prior to reaching you. The template is also a clear and easy way for you to provide helpful feedback to each student on their writing. In addition to using this template for formative feedback through a narrative unit, you could use it as the criteria for a summative assessment of your choice.This resource downloads as an editable PowerPoint.

Additional information

File Format


Number of Pages


Australian Curriculum Code

AC9E4LA06, AC9E4LA07, AC9E4LA09, AC9E4LA11, AC9E4LA12, AC9E4LE05, AC9E4LY03, AC9E4LY06, AC9E4LY08, AC9E4LY09, AC9E4LY11

Australian Curriculum V9

F - 6

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