News Structure Cards


EY - 3





A set of 5 news-telling cards to help your students retell events. It includes greetings, when, who, what, where, why, how, feelings and thanks.Each card is A4 however you can print them smaller to suit your needs. Available in both colour and black and white.Ways to use these cards include:
  • Place them up on the board. Students move a magnet to each card as they talk about.
  • Place them up on the board. Students listens to the news teller and as each card is spoken about they can put a magnet on it. At the end see which ones have magnets on them and if there are any that do not, go back and talk about them.
  • Have them up on the board and students use a 'pointer' to touch each card as they talk about it.
  • Lay them on the ground and students step/jump on each one as they talk about it.
  • Hand the cards out to students in the 'audience' who then have to listen for that specific information. They then have to retell that information at the end of the news.
Top Teacher Tip: using these cards also helps students to write better recounts!

Additional information

Australian Curriculum Code

AC9E1LY02, AC9E1LY07, AC9E2LY02, AC9E2LY07, AC9E3LY07, AC9EFLY02, AC9EFLY07

File Format


Australian Curriculum V9

F - 6

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