Persuasive Writing Feedback Template: Year 6








After completing a draft piece of persuasive writing in their workbooks, your students can glue one of these fantastic templates in to receive clear and constructive feedback.

There are two versions of the template available in this resource. The first page is designed for Year 6 students who might require some support with their writing. The second page is aligned with the Year 6 Australian Curriculum content descriptors that are listed. They have been selected as the most relevant content descriptors specifically for persuasive writing.

There are three feedback templates on each page. You can print as many as you like for your students and then cut them to size. The templates are also available as editable versions so that you can change the criteria if needed.

When your students complete a draft of persuasive writing, they can give themselves a tick on the template for any criteria that they have met. If there are any that need more attention, the students can edit their writing. This process is then repeated but a classmate reads their work and completes the second row of the feedback template. This not only helps the author but is also a brilliant learning opportunity for the classmate. After making any other necessary edits, the student can then submit their work to the teacher. The teacher completes the same process and fills out the third row of the template.

This process is a wonderful way to distribute responsibility between the teacher and the students. The students become more actively involved in improving their own work and their peer’s work. By the time the writing gets to the teacher, it should have been well-edited which helps to save marking time. Using the template to provide feedback to students is also highly efficient.

As the feedback template is aligned with the Australian Curriculum, it could also be used to guide teacher planning of a persuasive writing unit. The template can provide formative feedback throughout the unit and could also be used as part of a summative assessment.   This resource downloads as an editable PowerPoint.

Additional information

File Format


Number of Pages


Australian Curriculum Code

AC9E6LA02, AC9E6LA03, AC9E6LA04, AC9E6LA05, AC9E6LA08, AC9E6LY03, AC9E6LY06, AC9E6LY08

Australian Curriculum V9

F - 6

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