If you’re looking for a way to improve your students’ oral language, then this set of SCUMPS Posters is for you.
SCUMPS – size, colour, uses, materials, parts and shapes – provides a framework for how students talk about objects and teaches them to think about the details that may be overlooked.
The posters could be displayed, printed four to a page and placed on the side of a whiteboard as a visual reminder to students or placed on a key ring that students could use as a prompt.
Either way, this engaging set of colourful posters will look incredible in your space.
This resource is available in our basic fun font and all Australian state fonts.
Additional information
Number of Pages
File Format
Australian Curriculum Code
AC9EFLA08, AC9EFLY02, AC9EFLY05, EYLF OUTCOME 5: Children are effective communicators